The Barron County Sheriff’s Department has partnered with the National Weather Service to host a no-cost SKYWARN “Storm Spotter” Training for the residents and emergency responders of Barron County and surrounding counties.
Tuesday, April 30th from 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Tuesday, April 30th from 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM.
Barron County Government Center Auditorium
335 E Monroe Ave, Barron WI 54812
SKYWARN is a National Weather Service program designed to obtain critical information during times of severe weather. Skywarn volunteers receive training in storm identification and evolution, and when severe weather threatens, they become “storm spotters”, reporting information to the local NWS office.
Storm spotters are the nation’s first line of defense against severe weather, and they know that their efforts may ultimately help to save lives. Their information, when combined with sophisticated technology such as Doppler radar, satellite and lightning displays, helps NWS meteorologists in their primary mission… the issuance of warnings and advisories for the protection of life and property.
Training is conducted by a Warning Coordination Meteorologist from the National Weather Service
Anyone with an interest in severe weather. Volunteers include police and fire personnel, dispatchers, EMS workers, public utility workers HAM radio operators, and concerned private citizens. Individuals affiliated with hospitals, schools, churches, nursing homes or who have a responsibility for protecting others are also encouraged to become a severe weather spotter. Training is open to the public and all are welcome to attend.