Welcome to the Barron County Amateur Radio Association located in northwestern Wisconsin. We are a local group of hams that enjoy the hobby of amateur radio. The Club’s mission is to: advance general interest and knowledge of amateur radio, promote cooperation and exchange of information between members, conduct club programs, and provide public service support for community activities. To learn more about our club visit our about us page.
If you are thinking about becoming a HAM operator or just received your license the BCARA is here for you. All are welcome to attend our club meetings to learn more about the club and build on the amateur radio community here in Barron County.
Barron County Amateur Radio Association Thursday Night Net. Our net is held Thursday evenings at 7PM. This net is open to all licensed amateur radio operators and check in’s are always welcome. Our net currently resides on the Barron repeater with a frequency of 146.715 PL Tone 110.9. If you have an announcement you would like read on the net please fill out our contact form and it will be announced on the net.
Barron County Frequencies
144.5000 (110.9) | Simplex Frequency
146.7150 – (110.9) | Repeater | KD9EJA | Barron
443.6500 + (DCS351) | Repeater | KD9EJA | Barron
444.4500 + (DCS351) | Repeater | KD9EJA | Rice Lake
146.9550 – (146.2) | Repeater | KD9EJA | Askov MN
Club Meeting Date:
April 3rd at the Barron County Justice Center in Barron at 7PM.
Live Repeater Audio