Sandy Letlebo | KC9LZW


Extra Class

Mike Anderson | KC9JIK


General Class

Tom Bremer | AC9LG


Extra Class

Blake Byrd | KD9HDR

Vice President

Technician Class / Repeaters

Club Members

Extra Class

General Class

Mike Shelby K9MLS
General Class

Paul Brooten KB9TYC
General Class


Technician Class

Blake ByrdKD9HDR
Technician Class

Dan HansonKD9VYI
Technician Class

Thomas Flaskamp – KE9CIA
Technician Class

  • The entry-level license, known as Technician Class, is awarded after an applicant successfully completes a 35-question multiple choice written examination. The license grants full operating privileges on all amateur bands above 30 MHz and limited privileges in portions of the high frequency (HF) bands.
  • The next level, known as General Class, requires passage of the Technician test, as well as a 35-question multiple-choice General exam. General class licensees are granted privileges on portions of all amateur bands, and have access to over 83% of all amateur HF bandwidth. However some band segments often used for long distance contacts are not included.
  • The top US license class is Amateur Extra Class. This license requires the same tests as General plus a 50-question multiple-choice theory exam. Those with Amateur Extra licenses are granted all privileges on all US amateur bands.

Are you interested in becoming a ham or a member of our club? You can check out our about us page and get involved in this great hobby!

Edward WeberW9ABA
General Class

Marv AndersonKC9IRT
General Class

Dustin SchellKD9FAX
General Class

Mario RolonKD9MAR
General Class

Tom BremerAC9LG
Extra Class

Duana BremerKC9UVK
Technician Class

Fred AndersonAB9LV
Extra Class

Mark KleinKD9FHC
Technician Class

Mike PerssonW9MP
Extra Class

Eugene HagedornW9EEH
Extra Class

Don WhiteWB9PRI
Extra Class

David ThompsonKV9J
Extra Class

Rob FunckAC9RA
Extra Class