Barron County Amateur Radio Net Announcements
Upcoming Amateur Radio Test Sessions:
Gear For Sale:
Ed W9ABA is selling a Kenwood 180s it covers 160-10 meters. It comes with a 30 amp power supply, MFJ-925c versa tuner with manual, and Hand microphone.
Asking $250.00
Mario KD9MAR has a very nice Yaesu FT 857D for sale with brand new TCXO unit and Collins 2.3 Khz SSB filter. This radio was manufactured in January 2009. Also have an LDG YT-100 autotuner and FT meter that goes with the rig. Also have a OBP MH-31 hand mic, as well as a stock MH-31 and a MD 100 desk mic that’s also brand new. Also have the original box, separation kit, mounting bracket and associated hardware. Rig has full output on all bands. Aside from a few marks on top of the unit, there are no issues whatsoever, unit works as it should, from a non smoking home.
ASKING $900.00. I will not separate items.
Chris AC9KH is selling his FT-757 GX Mark II. The 757 has MARS mod, PA deck mod so it runs 200 watts on SSB, and have the manuals and full schematic for it. $400. It is hooked up so if anybody might be interested they can try it out on the air.
Local News:
Berkie Help is still needed, they were still looking for 2 more hams to help out with the event. Contact us if you’re interested and we can pass on your information.
Local nets:
Polk County Amateur Radio Association has their weekly net on Monday nights at 7PM on the Balsam Lake Repeater frequency of 147.195 + (110.9).
Burnett-Washburn Radio Association has a net that meets every Wednesday night at 8 PM on 3 linked repeaters.
They are located in Lampson, north of Spooner on the frequency of 146.655 MHz, Barronett on 147.045 MHz, and Siren on 146.625 MHz. n All use a PL tone of 110.9.
Tri-County Repeater Association has a net that meets Thursday nights at 8:00 P.M. on the 145.470 repeater with a tone of 110.9.
Red Cedar Repeater Association net is on Monday Nights at 6:30 pm on the 146.610 repeater with a tone of 110.9 located in Menomonie.
And that will do it for this weeks announcements if you have announcements you’d like to submit to us please head over to and fill out our contact form and we will get them added. With that I’ll send you back to net control.